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Apply to join our Program

Scott County residents gain access to exclusive benefits paid for by the state :

Health screen
Mental & physical health services
Food distibution
Access housing, transportation, and more
Help pay for bills
Free prescription drugs  

Ignite Healthcare received a grant to provide holistic healthcare services to underserved populations in TN starting with Scott County. Our goal is to improve access and management of care, meeting people where they are and breaking down barriers to access needed care. To accomplish this we partnered with, a premiere digital health company, to deliver the above services free of charge to residents. All services are accessible through a secure personalized mobile app.

This program is made possible through funding from The Tennessee Dept. of Health’s Healthcare Resiliency Program (HRP).
Learn how this program exists

FAQ Overview

Common Questions

How is this possible?

This program is made possible through funding from The Tennessee Department of Health’s Healthcare Resiliency Program (HRP). Learn how this program exists here.

Why is it only in Scott County?

This is a proof of concept program to provide those in areas of need access to essential health and wellness services. We are starting with qualifying residents in Scott County and hope to expand on the success of this program! 

What do I need to do?

Submit your response to the questionnaire below. If you qualify you will receive exclusive access to all of the health and wellness benefits listed above at no cost.

Is this a scam?

No. This is a pilot program through The Tennessee Department of Health’s Healthcare Resiliency Program (HRP).  

Privacy and Security

All personal  information is handled in strict accordance with HIPAA guidelines, the Federal Government's Privacy Act, and our own rigorous privacy policies.

Register Below to Apply Today!

We will send access instructions to the email you provide.

All personal information you supply is protected according to the federal government's Privacy Act.